To whom it may concern,
Don’t get it twisted. There is a reward for your walk of faith!
The cost will seem impossible when you forget your reward and you make it something that it’s not- the cost will still be costly but it will be filled with grace because it’s being walked from a position of love when you realize that your reward is Jesus.
The reward isn’t ministry platforms or marriage. The reward isn’t about money or fame. The reward isn’t about monetary things or happiness. Believing that you get a reward of things or desires of this earth may cause you be left with heart ache and disappointment. It is when we understand that He is enough and He is the reward of those who diligently seek Him and from that anchor within us, we know He will reward us with Himself and the life that will glorify Him the most.
We are called to obey out of love for Him not only obey when we get it our way. Your obedience shouldn’t be contingent on the outcome! Your obedience should come from a place of being so loved by Him that you can trust His will for your life is better than your own control!